So there's been a large break in updates recently. This is mostly due to there being a lot to do, and not much time to get it done. I've tried to take photos as I go but some stuff isn't documented as well as I would have liked. Oh well. Moving on...
As I noted in a previous episode, the wiring for the fog-lights was terrible. A random grey cable botched into a two-core black cable running the length of the car, routed terribly. So it had to go.
I ripped out the old grey cable, and trimmed the black two-core cable back to the dashboard, and then ran in a new cable.
As you can see here, the old lighting was just taped in place, and linked up in a terrible way, so I replaced this with a cleanly crimped and securely wrapped back into the light cluster cables.
Once the cables were through the bulkhead inside the car I added insulated bullet connections to allow it to be undone as required. I then joined the cables (only one line needs to run from the fog switch at the front) and ran the cable following the cable routes used for the boot and fuel cap release.
In the drivers foot-well, under the dash, I bullet connected the new cable to the remains of the old cable. Making sure to allow enough new cable to run all the way to the fog switch. I don't currently have time to strip out the whole dash to change the cable the whole way so this will do for now. Cable obviously labelled so future me knows wtf it is :D
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