Monday, 25 July 2016

GTO Project - Part 2

The first thing I noticed when I purchased the car was a god-aweful fog-light installation.  There was a massive light mounted to the bumper that was rusting, along with a terrible switch mounted to the dash that looked like it was going to take your eye out.

This was apparently added to the car because it failed an MOT due to no fog-light, however the lights were already modded into the light cluster so there was no need for it.

As it wasn't needed I got shot of that immediately, but one of the first things I noticed when stripping the car was the terrible cable installation job.  I guessed it was likely related to the fog lights and I was right.

From the dash we have a two-core black cable that runs from the front of the car, routed through *some* of the key routing points to the back of the car, and out through a grommet. It would seem this was the first incarnation of the fog light mounted to the bottom of the bumper.  There was a hole for this, but nothing mounted there when i bought the car.

Going back to the drivers door sill, the two-core cable had been split, and a grey cable patched into the red wire.  This grey cable was then routed very roughly through the car and out through a random grommet at the back of the car.  It wasn't clear how this connected to the fog lights but after pulling the light clusters off it seems this "random grommet" is how the ligth clusters are powered.

Once you get outside the car you can see the grey cable taps into the drivers side cluster, replacing one of the sidelights with the feed from the fog light switch.  That in itself would be fine, however the passenger side fog-light is then fed but a split from here, which is then run across the outside of the car. This is a terrible installation and will need to be corrected.

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